
Exams administered in other languages

🌍 Anglický, německý a španělský jazyk

English, German and Spanish. Tests B2-level language. Consists of three sections: Listening, Reading and Use of language. Contains 60 items, mostly multiple-choice.

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🧑‍🏫 Obecné studijní předpoklady

GAP in Czech. Tests general skills and aptitudes needed for successful completion of university studies. Items are divided into two sections: Verbal Reasoning and Analytical Reasoning. 

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🇸🇰 Všeobecné študijné predpoklady

GAP in Slovak. Tests general skills and aptitudes needed for successful completion of university studies. Items are divided into two sections: Verbal Reasoning and Analytical Reasoning. 

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🧮 Matematika

Mathematics. Tests high-school level mathematics (algebra, geometry, probability and statistics etc.). Contains 30 multiple-choice items. In Czech or Slovak language. 

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🎭 Základy společenských věd

Social Sciences. Tests Czech high-school level knowledge in the area of social sciences  (psychology, sociology, philosphy, politology, law, modern history, european integration and economics). Contains 60 multiple-choice items.

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🔬 Biologie

Biology. Tests high-school level knowledge in the area of biology. Contains 40 multiple-choice items. In Czech or Slovak language. 

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🧪 Chemie

Chemistry. Tests high-school level knowledge in the area of chemistry. Contains 30 multiple-choice items. In Czech or Slovak language. 

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