
Dates and Registration

You can sign up for any date. If you participate more than once, only the best result will count. If your school wants more subjects, you can take them in one or in different dates.

Exam date Registration deadline Subjects
13. 8. 2024  4. 8. 2024 GAP, VŠP, OSP, VŠP, Mat, Aj
15. 10. 2024  8. 10. 2024 GAP, English (only for Faculty of Social Studies MU and Faculty of Economics and Administrations MU)




Exam date Subjects
14. 11. 2024 GAP (for selected faculties)
7. 12. 2024 VŠP, OSP, ZSV
13. 1. 2025 GAP, VŠP, OSP, ZSV
1. 2. 2025 VŠP, OSP, ZSV, MAT, English
1. 3. 2025 GAP, VŠP, OSP, ZSV, MAT, English, German, Spanish
29. 3. 2025 GAP, VŠP, OSP, ZSV, MAT, English, German, Spanish, Bio, Che
26. 4. 2025 GAP, Czech for foreigners, Biology in English, Chemistry in English, MAT in English, VŠP, OSP, ZSV, MAT, English, Bio, Che
17. 5. 2025 Czech for foreigners, Biology in English, Chemistry in English, MAT in English, VŠP, OSP, ZSV, Bio, Che

GAP = test of General Academic Prerequisites in English.