

We establish schools that prepare children for life in the changing world of the future.

We establish schools that prepare children for life in the changing world of the future. At our schools, children are partners and are given the freedom and responsibility that suits them. Because of that, they look forward to going to our schools and learning is fun for them.


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The current system of standard Czech elementary education is obsolete and is based primarily on gaining knowledge. Conversely, we know that in today’s world, children who gain the ability to quickly learn new things will succeed. This relates not only to rapid development in the field of technology, but also social changes. We teach children to respond to changes and actively shape their own lives. We support their motivation and develop their strengths, their natural desire to learn and learner autonomy. Therefore, each ScioSchool is an adaptable and variable learning environment. We stand on the following principles:

  • Focus on the future: However the world may be in 20 years, we prepare children to find their place in it.
  • Uniqueness of every student: We enable children to learn in the way that best suits them (at the same time, we give them a safe environment in which they can try out methods that do not come naturally to them, but which can aid their development).
  • Intrinsic motivation: We support the natural joy of learning, which does not depend on good or bad marks.
  • Personal relationships: Children are our partners with whom we learn, not a vessel that we have to fill with knowledge.
  • The values that form the foundations of ScioSchools are freedom, morality, openness, optimism, activity and courage.
  • The pedagogy of ScioSchools is derived from findings of modern sciences, as well as from inspiration gained from other, similar schools in the Czech Republic and elsewhere in the world.

We established the first ScioSchool in 2015 in Prague 11. After the first successful year in operation, we opened three more ScioSchools, in Prague 9, Brno and Olomouc, in response to demand from parents, among other things. Currently there are 16 elementary ScioSchools and 3 Scio High Schools.