
General Academic Prerequisites (GAP)

Tests general skills and aptitudes needed for successful completion of university studies. Contains 54 multiple-choice items divided into two sections: Verbal Reasoning and Analytical Reasoning.

GAP tests general skills and aptitudes needed for successful completion of university studies. Contains 54 multiple-choice questions - you will have 80 minutes to solve them. Items are divided into two sections: Verbal Reasoning and Analytical Reasoning. 

The Test of General Academic Prerequisites does not examine the applicant’s level of knowledge, but rather the ability and skill that determine whether a person can successfully study at university. The GAP test determines the most various operational, combinational, comprehension and other abilities which directly shape the learning process.

Verbal Reasoning

  • work with text
  • precise comprehension, vocabulary
  • relationships within a text
  • ability to differentiate meanings

Analytical Reasoning 

  • work with information 
  • logical consideration (precise comprehension, work with several conditions, conveyance of given conditions to new relationships)
  • work with quantities (variables, operations...)

NCE tests are comparative - it is not necessary to answer all the questions to achieve a good result. About half of the correctly solved tasks should mean average result.